BenQ announced the launch of its latest notebook PC, the Joybook A53 on Wednesday. It is the fourth laptop in the company's A-series range, sitting at the top as its flagship. The 15.4-inch Joybook sports a 2GHz Core 2 Duo processor and BenQ is pushing the A53's "metropolitan aesthetic" visible in the etched, brushed-metal finish. Other specifications include Windows Vista certification and an optional 8x dual-layer DVD writer.
The sharp-looking laptop also boasts a numeric keypad that pushes the imprinted touch-pad off-center -- with keys that are 20 percent larger and with greater spacing between them than standard desktops -- for greater ergonomics and ease of use. The large LCD features BenQ’s proprietary UltraVivid technology and DBEF coating that enhance picture quality, and the response time is a fast 8 milliseconds, on par with HDTVs. A 0.3-megapixel camera is built-in above the LCD screen.
Buyers get a 5400rpm SATA hard drive, in a choice of four capacities ranging from 80 to 200GB, while standard memory comes at 512MB but is upgradeable to 2 GB. The Joybook’s seeming downside is the battery life, rated at an approximate 2.3 hours by BenQ.
The A53 is already available in Poland, Russia, China, Thailand and Australia, with more countries getting the new notebook soon. Pricing has not been announced.
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