Chitika eMiniMalls

More than 12000 bloggers and publishers are already using Chitika's ads to earn revenue.
Earning Types: CPC
Payment: Check, Wire transfer, Paypal
payout: %60
minimums: English website/blog, minimum 3000 visits/month
Ad Types:

Chitika's flagship product, eMiniMalls brings pay-per-click product promotion to life on the web. It provides visitors with relevant content and comparative shopping information without even leaving your site.

Related Products Unit (RPU)
RPU is a simple, non-intrusive text link format that integrates right in to your content, requiring minimal design changes. The RPU is a PPC (pay-per-click) unit designed to complement rather than cannibalize revenue from other ad networks.

ShopLinc gives you the power to create your own personalized shopping experience for your audience. Your expert reviews will be featured alongside the products you choose to endorse!

Display popular products in an interactive tag cloud format where each product is linked to cost-per-click (CPC) search results featuring deals, promotions and offers from hundreds of name brand merchants.

Showcase one of thousands of products in any of five Ownas on your blog, website or myspace! OWNA's are available in different skins to provide diverse looks.

Chitika | Linx will automatically identify key products/keywords mentioned in the content on a website or blog and hyperlink (double underline) those keywords to interactive paid (CPC-based) product listings featuring best deals, offers and promotions from name brand merchants. When users mouse-over these links, a small bubble-like scroll over is revealed listing offers from merchants.

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